Tape-In Extension Care: 101

You just invested anywhere from $500 to over $1,000+  into new extensions but now, you can’t remember one single thing that your stylist said about caring for your extensions, at home. Don’t worry, we’ve got you! Here are a few tips & tricks we’d HIGHLY suggest, when caring for your tape-in extensions:


(Before/After of Tape-In Extensions by @ashleemurrayhair)


  • Stay away from any oils/conditioner/alcohol/styling products near the actual tape of the extension

Naturally, we produce oil on our scalp due to sweat and well...life. This natural oil is already breaking down the stickiness of your tape-in extensions, but will do so at a much slower rate if you do not use any oils/conditioner/alcohol or styling products near the tape which will be towards the root of your hair. This does not mean that you should not use oils/conditioner/hairspray/products on your hair in general! It just means to avoid at all costs, getting any sort of product near the tape itself. 

  • Be kind to your hair when brushing and styling (and braid before bed!)

When brushing your hair, hold your head at the base with one hand, closest to the root of your head and begin brushing with your other hand from the bottom of your hair, up. If you hit a tangle, hold onto the hair above the tangle and slowly untangle the hair below with your brush, gently. I would recommend an Original Detangler Classic Wet Brush which can be found by clicking HERE. When styling, be sure to be cognizant of your tape-ins and do not pull too hard on the base where the tape is at. Tape-ins are definitely a sturdy extension method, but any extra caution you can take will increase the longevity of the extension hair, and your natural hair. You will want to braid your hair before bed as well, or put it in a low ponytail to prevent tangling and tugging on your extensions while sleeping.

  • Extension hair is real hair, so it will need to be treated as such!

Your extension hair will more than likely be 100% Human Remy Hair which means it has come from another person’s head, has been chemically treated and the cuticle of the hair is still intact. The only thing that is different from your hair and the extension hair, for the most part, is that your hair is still connected to its power source. The extension hair is not. This means that the extension hair will require hydration, a proper hair oil, and extra TLC to maintain the integrity of the hair. I would highly recommend Young.Again Oil by Kevin Murphy to replenish the oil in the extension hair and Eleven’s Miracle Hair Treatment for heat protection and proper conditioning of the extension, as well as your own natural hair! You will apply a quarter-size of each product into your hands and apply to wet hair from the middle of your hair, to the ends. Remember not to get any oil or treatment anywhere near the tape of the extensions! It is important to use a salon grade shampoo and conditioner as well that is sulfate-free and paraben-free to keep your extensions healthy and hydrated. I’d recommend Eleven’s Hydrate My Hair Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner. (Once again, no conditioner near the tape!)

  • Be sure to come in every 4-6 weeks to move up your extensions

If extensions are left in longer than 4-6 weeks after implementation, your natural hair can tangle at the base of your head and cause breakage near your scalp. The tape will have loosened up at this point and could potentially pull on your natural hair as well. It is detrimental to have your extensions removed, re-taped and re-implemented every 4-6 weeks to maintain the health of your natural hair as well as the integrity of your extensions.

  • It is best to dry your hair as soon as you have washed or wet your hair

Letting your tape-in extensions sit with moisture in the hair can cause your extensions to loosen up and slip. After you shower or wet your hair, it is best to dry the hair to increase longevity of the tape at the base of your extensions. Heat is not required during the drying process but helps wick away the moisture. Please be sure to use a heat protectant when drying with heat.

  • Dry Shampoo/Conditioner will be your best friend

As mentioned above, excess moisture can cause your extensions to loosen up and slip over time so instead of washing every day or every other day, it will be important to invest in some Dry Shampoo or Dry Conditioner to soak up some of the scalps natural moisture (sweat) and oils. Applying dry shampoo sparingly to the base of your head will help keep extensions fresh in between services with your stylist. I’d recommend Kevin Murphy’s Fresh Hair for the best dry shampoo in the game!

  • If there are any concerns of your extensions pulling on your natural hair, causing excessive pain, feeling too heavy or just plain old “doesn’t feel right”, please reach out to your stylist immediately

Deciding that tape-ins may not be right for you is a tough call. The price of the hair and implementation can be an investment but at the end of the day, if your extensions are jeopardizing the health of your natural hair, please contact your stylist immediately. Extensions are not for everyone and if you have an adverse reaction to the hair, the tape or the feeling, it is best to have them removed by your stylist, not at home.

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